Physiology practices
2023/2024. 1st semester

1st week (6-10 Sept.)

General information

2nd week (13-17 Sept.)

for groups 1,3,5,7 and 9 in Practical Hall:
- Neuromuscular studies with BIOPAC system

for groups 2,4,6,8 and 10 in Computer Cabinet (Kisoktatasi):
- membrane potential - action potential
- ionic theory of the action potential
- the threshold of the AP
- stimulus strengths-duration relationship
- refractory periods
- effect of hyper- depolarisation on the threshold
- pacemaker potential

3rd week: (20-24 Sept.)

4th week (27 Sept.-Okt.1.)

Blood tests I.

- the microscope in haematological tests
- sterilisation and desinfection
- methods of taking blood from the fingertip
- centrifuges
- Blood cells (Hemosurf program)
- Qualitative blood smear
- Hematocrit (micro)

Principles of:
- methods of taking blood from a vein
- Price-Jones' curve

5th week (4-8.Okt.)

Blood tests II.

- erythrocyte sedimentation rate by Westergren
- observation of blood clotting (in vitro)
- determination of blood groups (AB0, Rh)
- prothrombin time

Principles of:
bleeding time
partial thromboplastin time
thrombin time

6th week (11-15 Okt.)

1st MTO (nerve, muscle, blood)

7th week: (18-22 Okt.)

Blood III.

- using and cleaning of the Melangeur pipettes
- Bürker's chamber
- red blood cell count
- white blood cell count
- osmotic resistance of red blood cells

Principles of:
- thrombocyte count (Fischer-Germer)
- reticulocyte count
- Price-Jones' curve
- staining index
- haematological automata

8th week (25-29 Oct.)


9th week: (1-5. Nov.)

Blood tests: a practical MTO

10th week: (8-12 Nov.)

2nd MTO (heart, circulation)

11th-12th weeks: (15-19 Nov.)

Studies on the circulatory system I.

for groups 1 , 3, 5 7 and 9 in the Practical Hall:
- in situ registration of the activity of the heart in the frog (video - theory)
- effects of electrical stimulation on the heart
- effects of thermal stimulation on the heart
- Stannius ligatures
- summation
- all-or-none law
- Goltz reflex

experiments in the isolated rat heart preparation (Langendorf perfusion)
- effects of ions and drugs (adrenaline, acethylcholine, atropine) on the heart

for groups 2, 4, 6 ,8 and 10 in the Computer Cabinet:
ECG/heart simulation:
- AP of myocardial cell
- Origin of the ECG signal
- Vector theory, ECG leadings, origin of ECG curves
- Normal ECG curves
- Ventricular functional curves
- Heart sounds

12th week: (22-26. Nov.)

13th weeks: (29. Nov.-3. dec.)

The human circulatory system I.

- peripheral pulse, characteristics of the radial pulse
- effects of physical exercise on circulation
- blood pressure measurement
- effects of breathing on the circulation
- cold pressor test
- investigation of the axon reflex flare {triple response of the skin}
- jugular pulse

14th week (6-10. Dec.)
The human respiratory system

- spirometry
- determination of inspiratory and expiratory pressures
- palpation over the chest
- auscultation over the heart and lungs


University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Department of Physiology
H-6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 10
Tel.: +36 62 545 101
Fax: +36 62 545 842

Last modified: Thursday, 25th March, 2021
