Publications of the Department



 Scientific publications
 Publications in Hungarian periodicals
 Book chapters

Benedek G., NoritaM., Hoshino K., Katoh Y.Y., Eördegh G., Nagy A., Extrageniculate visual pathways in the feline brain. In: Dumitrascu D.L.(ed.), Psychosomatic medicine,Recent progress and current trends. “Iuliu Hatieganu” University Publishing House, Cluj, Romania, pp.33-40, 2003.

 PhD thesis
 Publications in refereed periodicals
 Publications in other, non-refereed periodicals
 Prize-winning studies
 Presentations at the Hungarian Students' Scientific Association's Conferences




University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Department of Physiology
H-6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 10
Tel.: +36 62 545 101
Fax: +36 62 545 842

Last modified: Friday, 11th April, 2008
